So They Can WWR is bringing an international dimension to next February’s Event. We’ve teamed up with ‘So They Can’ – a wonderful organisation which supports some of the poorest communities in East Africa, helping them in the fields of basic infrastructure and education. We’re delighted to be working with this fabulous bunch of people – who are based in Australia and New Zealand! Manager Betsyn McHardy outlines the work that they do below. See you in Kenmare for the ‘Wild West Run!!’
Note. We’ll still be support Our Lady’s Hospital for Sick Children on the home front. Thanks everyone.
SO THEY CAN ( is an international NGO working with children and women living in extreme poverty in East Africa. We currently run a home for abandoned and orphaned children, many of whom came from living in a local dumpsite. We run a school in Kenya educating the poorest of children and work alongside schools in Tanzania providing much needed feeding programs, water, teaching resources and support in the classrooms. We provide women with business education and then support them into businesses so that they are able to feed and educate their children. We also run a teachers’ training college producing quality teachers to teach in poor rural schools and a community clinic to provide vaccinations and maternity care. This year we have been invited as one of the charities of choice for the WILD WEST RUN being held on Saturday 28 February 2015 in the beautiful countryside of Kerry, Ireland. We are delighted to be affiliated with such a fantastic event and are very grateful that we will receive by way of donation 2 euros for every participant that enters. That means that by running and enjoying all the WILD WEST RUN has to offer you will also be helping in the fight against extreme global poverty. Please join up today and help us to provide a better future for the children and women we support. Betsyn McHardy Project Plans, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer.