from AAI There will be a Throws Workshop taking place at the University of Limerick Track on Friday 27th February next from 7-9pm. The cost of the workshop is 5 Euro and is payable on the night with registration at 6.45pm at the track. Two of the countries top coaches will be coaching at the workshop in John Sheehan Javelin and Sean Whitney Shot Putt. The workshop is aimed at coaches but older athletes aged 17+ may also attend. For further information contact Regional Development Officer Steven Macklin at 0876335565 or e-mail [email protected]
Dublin Regional Squad Reminder
Young athletes who are on the Dublin Regional Squad are reminded that the next squad day is on this Saturday 28th February from 11am to 2pm in Morton Stadium Santry.
We invite these athletics to bring along their coaches and parents. Registration will start at 10am, please bring a lunch, raingear in case of inclement weather. The fee for the day is €5