Home Event Strawberry Half Marathon & 5 Mile Road Race

Strawberry Half Marathon & 5 Mile Road Race


This is the sixth year of the event which comprises a half marathon and a 5 mile road race. The race takes place at the height of the Strawberry Season.

The race is hosted this year exclusively by Slaney Olympic AC as a club fundraiser.

Entry fees have been kept to a minimum while still retaining the usual high standards of the race. Up to 5th June entry fees are: half marathon €25; 5 mile Race €15.

The event attracts everyone from the country’s top athletes to the club and fun runners. There are pacers for the half marathon at 1.30, 1.45 and 2.00 to help participants achieve their goals.
There will be prizes (more details later) in the open races and in junior and all veteran categories. All runners receive a special Finisher’s Strawberry Mug and tea/coffee and sandwiches at the Riverside Park Hotel.

The races start and finish on the banks of the River Slaney in the historic town of Enniscorthy. The half marathon runs along the river, through the town and past the castle before heading out on tree lined roads through the pastoral County Wexford countryside in all its summer glory. All water stations supply 250ml bottles.

The event is renowned for its festive and friendly atmosphere with music and race commentary and a start /finish area which is second to none.