None St Abbans AC has long been recognised as one of the most progressive clubs in the country but even the club members must have been surprised at the success of their Fit4Life programme that has been running at their club grounds in Crettyard. This is their second year promoting Fit4Life as they were one of the first clubs to start up the initiative.
The club has a very successful meet and train group and every Monday and Wednesday night up to one hundred women can be found walking, jogging or running around the track. When they are finished on the track they move indoors where Ben Brennan conducts a short circuit training and stretching class. Afterwards there is often a cup of tea and a chat as the members use the opportunity to combine both fitness and fun.
The Fit4Life Meet ‘N’ Train Gang at St. Abbans
The emphasis is very much on comraderie and enjoyment and in this environment members are surprising themselves with the increase in fitness, weight loss and increased energy they are enjoying. Some of the group have also entered races and won county novice and masters team titles at the recent Laois cross country championships. Ben Brennan, a longtime member of the club, is very impressed with the effort that people are making and really enjoys the banter as he puts the group through their paces.
Limbering up before the off
Noeleen Condron is another tireless worker who is heavily involved in promoting the programme and is very pleased with the new members and feels it’s wonderful to see the club reach out to such a wide section of the local community. Both Ben and Noeleen are justifiably proud of what has been built in such a short time.
St. Abbans AC Fit4Life
Ben Brennan, 087 9613360
Noeleen Condron, 087 9614099
Day and Time: Mondays and Wednesdays at 7:30pm
Venue: St Abbans Track, Monavea, Crettyard.
For other Fit4Life Clubs, Contacts and training details click here.
Noeleen Condron and Ben Brennan, who have been instrumental in developing the Fit4Life section at St. Abban’s