Home News Spaces going fast, and time is running out!!

Spaces going fast, and time is running out!!


the most authentic military themed challenges possible… In 2010, Hellweek PT™ was launched in Ireland, a new Military Themed Events Venture with Elite Mental and Physical fitness its clear and distinct focus, and also a very clear goal in mind; To blow the minds of Irish people with the most authentic military themed challenges possible.

Since its inception it has been an amazing journey and incredible success, from life changing stories of one young man who has gone on to run a 3:16 Marathon to people who have lost 6 stone in an attempt to compete in the event and then take that to the next level.


The venture, concept and challenge certainly has blown the minds of the general public and military communities alike, with immense support from current serving SF personnel and retired SEALs, Commandos and other Operators who recognise the authenticity and professionalism contained within that produces realistic and focused results for everyone. The company has the seal of approval, no pun intended.


Everyone has different reasons for taking on Hellweek PT™’s Selection Challenge; From prepping for a first marathon or improving on their last PB to taking it on for personal improvement and to test their overall mental and physical fitness for life’s own daily challenges, Selection is fast becoming the most popular Military Themed Challenge in Ireland.


Class 008’s Selection is March 4th, places are already selling like hotcakes and in my 2 years running this venture I have never seen places sell so fast. It must have to do with “Dayof Days”, which is what Selection is all about, a 24 hour test of mental and physical will-power like nothing you will have tried before. It could also be that CrossFit has exploded in Ireland and much of the exercises in Selection are very aligned to CrossFit’s fundamentals, of course it is, CrossFit is based on the foundations of Body Weight Exercises combined with Elite Fitness in both mind, body and soul – it’s about development and that’s exactly what HWPT’s concept is; Strength, Endurance, Evolution.


There are roughly 50% of places left on March 4th’s Class 008 Selection Challenge and with 5 promo-days coming up in Dublin, Dundalk, Drogheda, Navan, Swords and Balbriggan we will be sure to sell the event out. So time is running out if you have been contemplating this event. Equally so if you have just come across it, if you want to do it, get in now. Booking this early means you also get a Quality Training plan and advice from our Cadré to help you ensure your completion of the event… it’s you against the bell, and you will either hold out or ring out, the choice will be yours.


If you fancy your chances as a Navy SEAL, Commando or Elite Operative, then you gotta give this a go!


If you are looking to challenge your self as an elite athlete and push your self to new heights, you gotta give this a go!


If you want to learn new leadership skills, teamwork skills, decision making skills and test your limits under pressure like no other, you gotta give this event a go!


If you are at home looking for motivation in life, seeking a way out of the dark, looking for the light, then you gotta give this event a go! We will work with you and help you find a new inner strength you never knew you had!


If you want to change your life perspective, your attitude and hunger for success, then take this challenge on! It will help you to set new goals in life that make every day fun, worth-while and satisfying.


But don’t wait, get in now, it’s only 21 Euro and you will get the best day of your life, one you will think back on for many years to come and say; “the things we did that day, wow, weren’t we something!”


Don’t take our word for it, read the testimonials on the event registration page, check the facebook page out and ask past candidates and graduates what they think, we guarantee you will not regret your decision to join them and their accolades.


Sing up here on runireland.com now; https://www.runireland.com/events/hellweek-pttm-selection-challenge


And remember….

….The only easy day, was yesterday!