Home Articles Science lite: Stairs or Lift, which is faster?

Science lite: Stairs or Lift, which is faster?


A lighter look at some science Stairs or Lift, which is faster?

In a recent article in the Canadian Medical Associations journal, as study was presented on which was faster, using the stairs or the lift? Runners will be glad to know that the study showed that taking the stairs was faster (i). Yet another reason for runners to use the stairs, you’re more productive (by approx 3%) as well as cross training and burning calories. The study was a small one with only four participants and took place in a hospital (where personal move between all seven floors significantly) and both ascending and descending trips over one to six floors were used to measure results. The lift took nearly twice as long and the stairs resulted in a time saving of 15 minutes per day for the stair climbers. The participants also used the stairs at an effort level which allowed them to continue working, post stair climb, without a break (13/20 on the Borg scale for you nerds). The time difference between walking the 18 steps and the lift was mostly due to waiting for the lift to arrive. 15 minutes a day is a significant amount, so the next time your late back from your lunch time run, tell the boss that running the stairs make you 3% more productive everyday.


The extra nerdy bit for the hardcore runners is that on a standard step (circa 15cm) you expend about 0.11 kcal depending on your weight and other factors (ii). Descending expends only 0.05 kcal but it is more of an eccentric action as any marathon runner will tell you the day after the big race. Either way it takes a lot of steps to burn off a chocolate bar.



(i) Shah et al, CMAJ December 13, 2011 vol. 183 no. 18
(ii) Teh et al, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: April 2002 – Volume 34 – Issue 4 – pp 695-699

In a recent article in the Canadian Medical Associations journal, as study was presented on which was faster, using the stairs or the lift? Runners will be glad to know that the study showed that taking the stairs was faster (i). Yet another reason for runners to use the stairs, you’re more productive (by approx 3%) as well as cross training and burning calories. The study was a small one with only four participants and took place in a hospital (where personal move between all seven floors significantly) and both ascending and descending trips over one to six floors were used to measure results. The lift took nearly twice as long and the stairs resulted in a time saving of 15 minutes per day for the stair climbers. The participants also used the stairs at an effort level which allowed them to continue working, post stair climb, without a break (13/20 on the Borg scale for you nerds). The time difference between walking the 18 steps and the lift was mostly due to waiting for the lift to arrive. 15 minutes a day is a significant amount, so the next time your late back from your lunch time run, tell the boss that running the stairs make you 3% more productive everyday.


The extra nerdy bit for the hardcore runners is that on a standard step (circa 15cm) you expend about 0.11 kcal depending on your weight and other factors (ii). Descending expends only 0.05 kcal but it is more of an eccentric action as any marathon runner will tell you the day after the big race. Either way it takes a lot of steps to burn off a chocolate bar.



(i) Shah et al, CMAJ December 13, 2011 vol. 183 no. 18
(ii) Teh et al, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: April 2002 – Volume 34 – Issue 4 – pp 695-699