Home News Rás UCD 5K Road Race

Rás UCD 5K Road Race


The second Rás UCD 5K Road Race will start at 12 noon on Saturday April 16th 2011. All of your entry fee will be donated to UCD Volunteers Overseas (Registered Charity CHY15856). There is a large prize fund, and all athletes will be chip timed.

Online REGISTRATION is NOW OPEN, please follow this link and enter your details. https://fs2.formsite.com/RasUCD/form1/index.htmlPayment can be made on the day. For those who pre-register online, entry fee is €8 for students, €12 for non-students. If you don’t pre-register online, you can still register on the day; however the fee will be €10 for students and €15 for non-students. There is a free t-shirt and goody bag for the first 500 people who register online!

 All participants will get sandwiches, tea and coffee after the race, along with a goody bag full of surprises (including a €10 voucher for Irish Fit)!

The Course

We have a fast, flat, course, and teams and top racers will be given priority in the first couple of rows at the race start. The course is well marked and is closed off from traffic for the race duration and is stewarded by UCD’s Security company and race officials. Each Kilometre and mile is clearly marked, and you will see a race clock three times while running the race. All athletes will be electronically timed. There is a course map on this website and we hope to be adding more helpful race information to the website in the coming weeks.


About the charity

UCD Volunteers Overseas is a charitable organisation offering students, staff and alumni of University College Dublin the opportunity to contribute their time, energy and skills to development projects overseas. The charity was founded by Fr. Tony Coote (former UCD Chaplain) in 2003 and projects have been taking place every year since then. We currently run projects in India, Haiti, Nicaragua and Tanzania, where volunteers collaborate with local communities on small-scale development projects in response to local needs. Some examples of our work include the Health Centres built in Nicaragua 2007 & 2008; summer camps in Haiti 2005-2009; physiotherapy support in the Mother Teresa Home, Delhi 2003-2009; and computer education programmes in Tanzania 2009.


For more information visit ucdvo.org