Home News Races in Cork & Munster

Races in Cork & Munster


Wed 9th to Sun 13th of June 2008 In Cork, there are 2 road races this week. On Wednesday, the 9th of July, there is the Cork BHAA ‘EMC’ 5 km race in Ovens just West of Cork City and on Sunday the 13th, there is a 5 mile race in Fermoy. Elsewhere in Munster, the following races are on offer during the week…
Wed 9th of July…A 10km race in Dundrum which is a few kms North West of Cashel in Tipperary at 8pm.
Fri 11th of July…There is the ‘GSK’ 5 mile road race in Dungarvan in West Waterford at 8pm.
Sat 12th of July…There is a 10 km race in Bunratty in South County Clare at 2:30pm.
Sun 13th of July…A charity 10 km fun run in Ballydavid near Dingle in Kerry at 3pm.
So, that makes 6 races on offer this week in Munster. More information can be found on these races on the Running in Cork website at….https://corkrunning.blogspot.com/.