Congrats to Steph for being selected to the Irish Team for the 2012 Europeans Championships in Finland at the end of June!! Just before running a 4.14 for 1500M, Steph Reilly , was on hand to launch the Great Race Galway which will take place on Sunday the 17th June 2012 at Galway Race Course, Ballybrit, Galway. The race is open to runners of all levels and there will also be plenty of entertainment on the day including a 1Km kids fun run finishing in from of the grandstand, making it a fun day out for all the family. The chosen charities are Croí and the Marie Keating Foundation. Log onto www.greatracegalway.ie for more information
Best of luck to Steph from all the Great Race Galway. The Great Race Galway kick off it’s first year race with a 10Km race that starts with one lap of the racecourse and then proceeds to fast country roads for 8k and a final lap of the course for a grandstand finish! Entries are €24 or €20 for AAI members. Log onto www.greatracegalway.ie for more information