1. hi lads i cant believe the 10 mile is on bank holiday monday 19th of march IMO i think dats a bad decision ye should have left it to de same weekend as last year its 2 days after st patricks day when most people will indulge as us irish always do.I really enjoyed last yr and its great ye changed from yere usual january date especially with de recent poor weather but i think numbers could be affected with de date dis yr.Its a great race good course well organised but could ye not put de race back a week just to insure ye get de numbers maybe i could be wrong.Also would like now to thank de sponsors who gave us wooly Kostal Mallow 10 mile race hats in march they are coming in handy now

  2. Great run last year. But must echo the other comment about the 19th. Paddys day woulda been better..imagine the run in the morning prior to parade, good crowd, good Craic afterwards… Maybe next year? P.s. Two Kostal crews forced to work the 19th!

  3. Dont suppose ye would be interested in drinking in moderation and so remembering St paddys day for once and then on monday running the race and guess what enjoy yourselves again , I think the organisers could change dates forever and not be able to suit everyone,
    If your serious about your running then taking it easy on paddies day should not be a problem.
    With the amount of varied runs and events on these days it is not easy to organise a race without
    clashing with something else.