East Down AC The legendary Ron Hill, first man to run under 2 hours 10 minutes for the full marathon, Commonwealth and European marathon champion, triple Olympian, runner of 115 marathons and the man who has run every day since 20 December 1964, clocking up over 150,000 miles in the process, is coming to Downpatrick and will be running in this year’s Jimmy’s Ten on Sunday 16th March. On Friday 14th March East Down AC will be presenting “An Evening with Ron Hill” at 7.30pm in the Cricket Club, Strangford Rd, Downpatrick and this is your golden opportunity to come, meet and talk to one of the most iconic figures in distance running. A small cover charge of £5 is payable and there will be bar facilities.
If you’re coming perhaps you would give me a call on 02844 614235 or 07933214894 or by email to [email protected] as seats will be limited.
See also our recently revived website www.eastdownac.co.uk
Hope to see you on 14th, and 16th too if you fancy taking on the great man.
I have also attached an Entry Form for the race which carries some of the best prizes for a race of its kind in Ireland – why not come along – Mary Peters will also be at the race on Sunday so there’s another incentive.