Home Event The Headless Horseman Mini Adventure Race 2014

The Headless Horseman Mini Adventure Race 2014


 Follow in the historic footsteps of the Normans, embark on a 78k adventure with 5 stages beginning in the medieval town of Kilmallock. Take in the beautiful Ballyhoura mountain trail and kayak around the mystical Lough Gur before completing your journey through one of the last remaining medieval gates in Kilmallock where a feast and host of festivities awaits you.
Stage 1: Bike 13.7k
Stage 2: Mountain Run/Walk 9k
Stage 3: Bike 30k
Stage 4: Run 5.4k & Kayak 800m
Stage 5: Bike 17.7k & 1.5k Run

2013 saw the introduction of a shorter 22k mini adventure which inclues a 13.7K cycle and a 9k mountain run/walk suitable for ALL levels of fitness.