Dig out your runners!
Dust off your shorts
and get running…
A series of 5km races will takeplace around Galway onTuesday evenings, as follows:
– Athenry, 29th April, 7:45pm Venue, Newcastle Community Centre
– Tuam, 6th May, 8:00pmVenue, Sugar Factory on Ballygaddy Road,Tuam
– Craughwell, 13th May, 8:00pmVenue, Community Hall
– Claregalway, 20th May, 8:00pmVenue, TBC
– Loughrea, 27th May, 8:00pmVenue, Temperance Hall
– Galway City, 3rd June, 8:00pmVenue, Regional Sports Centre, Dangan
In the interest of your own safety,headphones are not allowed during the race.(Marshal instructions need to be heard at all times).