The Four roads of madness is a duathlon event created by local people of Glenamaddy, as the name suggests each of the infamous four roads of Glenamaddy will feature in the event. With participants having to face the creggs, dunmore, ballymoe and kilkerring roads. Come join us on saturday 2nd June 2012 (bank holiday weekend) for what hopes to be a great event! The event in aid of Ability West comprises of three options for participants to choose from:- 10km run/walk- 33km cycle- 10km/33km duathlon You can avail of early registration offer by logging on to 10km run: €15, 33km cycle: €15, duathlon: €30. All registration fees will go up by €5 after may 20th 2012. Athletes are required to sign in/register on the morning of the event at the Glenamaddy Community School between 9:00am and 10:30am. If you have any further queries contact Cathal Ryan on 0876820265