Home Event Caroline Kearney Memorial

Caroline Kearney Memorial


Ths event is dedicated to Ireland’s leading female triathlete, Caroline Kearney who was tragically killed during a cycle training session with her French team in June of 2006. Caroline was regarded by most in the sport as a certainty for the Olympic Games in Beijing 2008 and indeed London 2012. This would have made her the first triathlete to represent Ireland in the sport at the Olympic Games.

This event is hosted by Midland Triathlon Club and takes place in and around Lough Ennell, Co. Westmeath

This is a standard distance race (1500m swim, 40km bike, 10km run) under the guidelines and regulations of Triathlon Ireland. While in some areas, road closures will be in effect, most of the bike course is run on open roads and the rules of the road must be adhered to at all times. Marshall’s and Garda instructions are for your safety and must be obeyed. This is a non-drafting race, and draft busters will be on the course.


Wetsuits are compulsory for the open water swim. The course is laid out in a triangle, with two loops giving 1500m distance. Athletes are asked to wear a brightly coloured hat for the swim to help marshal’s and support personnel to monitor all swimmers.


Helmets are mandatory for all cyclists – there are no exceptions to this rule. Exiting the water, you proceed up a short incline to transition. Making sure to clip your helmet, and only then, unracking your bike, exit the park through the front gate, making a right turn toward Dysart village. Following a left turn at the village, a long stretch brings us to the beautiful village of Castletown-Geoghegan. Turning left through the village, followed by another left at the Barracks, and down the hill veering left toward the Ballynagore road. A final left brings you back past the park entrance for another two laps.

On your return on lap three, enter the park the way you came in and make your way back to transition.


Once in the park, dismount at the indicated line and enter transition. Your bike must be racked properly before you can touch your helmet. Exit transition and head out toward the back entrance of Lilliput, turning right at the gate and heading toward Dysart village once more. The route is out and back with a water station at 3 and 7km, returning in the front entrance of the park, with the finishing line at the lake.

Transition Area

Only registered athletes will be allowed in Transition. We ask all athletes to ensure that family members, friends, doctors, lawyers, well-wishers, spin-doctors remain outside the transition area. Racks will be numbered, so a rush for a prime location is not necessary, all athletes will be required to run an equal distance.