Take a run back though the ages by taking part in the Braveheart 5km run in Trim, Co. Meath. Give your heart a lift by taking part in the 2011 Braveheart Run. Trim Athletic Club have set out a course which will take the runners along the historic River Boyne by the finest collection of medieval monuments in Ireland. The course includes many of the backdrops which made up memorable scenes in the multi award winning film Braveheart. Last year the runners were sent on their way by an historical re enactment by Trim Drama Group.Heritage comes alive in Meath. Just 20 minutes from the M3 and M4.Town centre parking will be signposted. Goody bags and spots prizes. Junior, senior and masters prizes. Post race refreshments and fun. Online entry €12 Entry on the night from 6pm-8pm €15. Trim AC acknowledges the cooperation and support of Scurlogstown Haymaking Festival, Duchas / Heritage Service, Trim Town Council ,Meath County Council and Trim Drama Group.
Supporting Trim Special Olympics Swim Club:
Part of the entry fee will be donated to Trim Special Olympics Swim Club rather than give participants a T-shirt