Home Event BHAA/Teachers 2 & 4 mile XC

BHAA/Teachers 2 & 4 mile XC


The Teachers Cross Country kicks off the winter league 2010/2011 in Castleknock College on Saturday 09 October 2010. There will be a combined start at 11, with the ladies running 2 miles and the men 4 miles race starts at 11 (ladies have the option to run the longer race if they want).

Registration opens from 9.30 and will close 15mins before each race. Showers and refreshments are available.

 Usual BHAA prizes for top 3 ladies and gents, ages and teams after the race. Results, photos and youtube video will appear after the race on www.bhaa.ie and in Sunday papers.

A number of runners from the teachers in our membership have already offered to help on the day. If you are interested in helping please contact Kieran Gallagher on 8213051 and/or 087 6225450.

General questions and querys to [email protected]

