Home News Athletics NI Enhances Successful Website

Athletics NI Enhances Successful Website


From Clare McCoy Athletics Northern Ireland revealed today an exciting upgrade to their already popular and successful website. The site has a new look homepage which will allow quick links to be set up as well as the option for sponsors to advertise their brand or product.

A new structured fixtures page will allow road race organisers to advertise their event in more detail while also allowing the user to view by discipline- i.e. cross country, track and field or road race. The results page also has a more structured feel and is RSS-enabled meaning you will never miss a result when they are posted.

The ANI Flickr Gallery has been incorporated into the site so official photos can be viewed in a user friendly gallery or as a slideshow.

You may also notice that our News, Results and Fixtures sections have a link to an "RSS Feed". An RSS feed is simply a way for you to access a summary of our content from either your email program, an RSS reader or to add it to your own site. If you click on the icon you should get the option of adding the feed to your email program, or as a favourite in your menu bar.

If you run your own website, you can display the latest headlines from other websites on your own site using RSS.

We encourage the use of our feeds as part of a website, however, we do require that the proper format and attribution is used when Athletics NI content appears. The attribution text should read "www.niathletics.org".
Further exciting developments in our modernisation process are scheduled for September working in partnership with Primo Solutions. This will involve the integration of our new database system which will allow club secretaries to register their athletes for the year. Our successful online system will extend to juvenile (and team) events with the Even Cross Country at Jordanstown being the first event. This will mean that all of our events ranging from juvenile to masters can be entered online. We feel this is an essential element in the area of competition to make the overall process easier for the athlete, coach, parent and club secretary.

An online shop will be launched within the next few weeks where athletes can purchase a new Athletics NI merchandising range as well as Mary Peters Track Membership and Athlete Registration.

For further information or if you are interested in advertising on our website, please contact Clare McCoy, Marketing & Communications Manager on [email protected] or on 02890 602707.

For more information on RSS please visit What Is RSS

Notes to Editors:

The Athletics NI website address is www.niathletics.org
Our website is designed by Silverink which is a web Design & Development in Belfast

Kind Regards

Clare McCoy
Marketing & Communications Manager
Athletics Northern Ireland
T: 02890 602707
M: 07841804032
W: www.niathletics.org
W: www.dublin2009.ie