Just a few details about this event.
First and foremost it aims is to raise much needed funds for The Rise but it will cater for the serious Runners as well as the fun runners/walkers. We invite all levels of fitness to take part.Pop up Races provide an extremely professional event .https://www.popupraces.ie/ and we’re confident everyone will have a fab time.The 10 km runners will start of 15 mins before the 5km runners/walkers
It will cost 10 euro to do the 5km,15 euro to do the 10 kmand under 14 are free,
All monies raised will go to an amazing organisation who get no Government funding and rely heavily on events like these to provide a first class service to so many people that have been impacted by their loved one ‘s addiction.
Further details on Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/pages/5k10k-Run-for-RISE/908336745887037?fref=ts